Our project set the stage in a (maybe not so) distant future. Technology reaches the singularity point at which is completely merged with humanity. We will all each live in a individual box. This box is operated by the system TOC, which represents Time Organizer Capsule, and its main job is to keep the human being in it happy. Happiness of the person inside each box is quantified as a happiness circle(bar), to reach its maxim volume, TOC will monitor its resident constantly, and project different views onto four walls in order to create the sense of a infinite space, and change the setting of the room to match different needs for the human being. Information transmits in the forms of image, video, and audio. Written language no longer exists. Notion of linear time is abandoned.

The exhibition demonstrates a man’s “day” in the box, video will be projected onto walls to simulate the experience you may receive living in one of these boxes. We will also present models to illustrate the structure of this little spot in the world created by connecting boxes. Short animations will be projected to show how these boxes are connected and detached.
With the development of technology, everything gets faster and faster, while our daily life is being bombarded by a non-stop income of information. The constant flow has to be managed in a different way from written language.
In search of a calmer lifestyle within this non-stop information flow, society requires a medium which makes the information more comprehensible.
TOC is designed to do so. It manages time and information, and it makes us happy by providing us with everything we need.Our lives will adapt to a new lifestyle. Nostalgia is gone, there is no time for history anymore. We are constantly experiencing now. Therefore the notion of linear time is abandoned.
Without linear time, there will be no hierarchical social structure, no work, and no government.
We have been encapsulated by the new technology and feel happy, trusting it and living without a worry.
Simulation of projection (screen shots from video)
(views enter through the back of the curtains)
(shown when you have passed the exposition)